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CAS : 136572-09-3
Name: Irinotecan monohydrochloride trihydrate
Used in the analysis of tumors of the digestive system, such as stomach, colon, rectum, lung, and is acclimated to amusement leukemia, hydatidiform birthmark and choriocarcinoma. Irinotecan is a actinic anatomy modification of accustomed derivatives of camptothecin. It is beneath exact ability and ancillary furnishings of new blight drugs, mainly acclimated in the analysis of lung cancer, colorectal cancer, abdomen cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian blight and added cancers
For the alertness of bang acclimated to amusement tumors of the digestive system, such as stomach, colon, rectum, lung, and is acclimated to amusement leukemia, hydatidiform birthmark and choriocarcinoma. Irinotecan is a actinic anatomy modification of accustomed derivatives of camptothecin. It is beneath exact ability and ancillary furnishings of new blight drugs, mainly acclimated in the analysis of lung cancer, colorectal cancer, abdomen cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian blight and added cancers.
from:Acridine Raw Material

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